frontpage Posted by Navy-Wife | Staff • 8h ago
Item 1 of 7
Item 1 of 7
frontpage Posted by Navy-Wife | Staff • 8h ago
2.03-lbs Orgain Organic Vegan Protein Powder (Vanilla Bean)
& More w/ Subscribe & Save$10
66% offAmazon
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EDIT: got 2 of these for $9. Looks like it took 25% off for each one. The 2 item had a 50% off coupon. Then S&S 15% so the 2nd item was 90% off and 1st one 65% off.
Order Summary
Items (2): $39.96
Shipping & handling: $0.00
Multibuy Discount: -$9.99
Your Coupon Savings: -$5.00
Subscribe & Save: -$5.99
Promotion Applied: -$9.99
Total before tax: $8.99
Second EDIT: Just got vanilla bean (slightly different for OP one) 2 for $14. Looks like all same coupons applied besides the 25% off first S&S. The key is to look for item with 50% off second one because then you will get 50% + 25% (orgain25 coupon) + 15% S&S. Can do multiple times.
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EDIT: got 2 of these for $9. Looks like it took 25% off for each one. The 2 item had a 50% off coupon. Then S&S 15% so the 2nd item was 90% off and 1st one 40% off. []
Order Summary
Items (2): $39.96
Shipping & handling: $0.00
Multibuy Discount: -$9.99
Your Coupon Savings: -$5.00
Subscribe & Save: -$5.99
Promotion Applied: -$9.99
Total before tax: $8.99
Second EDIT: Just got vanilla bean (slightly different for OP one) 2 for $14. Looks like all same coupons applied besides the 25% off first S&S. The key is to look for item with 50% off second one because then you will get 50% + 25% (orgain25 coupon) + 15% S&S. Can do multiple times. []
Orgain25 coupon takes 25% off BOTH items
S&S can take 15% off, people should understand this.
2nd item will be 50% off.
so 1st item should be 40% off and 2nd item should be 90% off. If you have the clipped coupon on product page, you can get addition 25% on 1st item (only works for 1st order) rest can be duplicated.
EDIT: I think coupon caps at 8 items. I placed 4 orders all with 2 each. 9+14+14+14 = 51 for 8 containers. 5th order I lost $10.
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EDIT: got 2 of these for $9. Looks like it took 25% off for each one. The 2 item had a 50% off coupon. Then S&S 15% so the 2nd item was 90% off and 1st one 65% off.
Order Summary
Items (2): $39.96
Shipping & handling: $0.00
Multibuy Discount: -$9.99
Your Coupon Savings: -$5.00
Subscribe & Save: -$5.99
Promotion Applied: -$9.99
Total before tax: $8.99
Second EDIT: Just got vanilla bean (slightly different for OP one) 2 for $14. Looks like all same coupons applied besides the 25% off first S&S. The key is to look for item with 50% off second one because then you will get 50% + 25% (orgain25 coupon) + 15% S&S. Can do multiple times.
I think it was about $13 for the 2. Still great!
Really like the chocolate one . Didn't like the Vanilla version. I'm scared to try fruity, lol.