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Model: 3M Professional Goggle, Clear Lens Provides Excellent Visibility, Impact-Resistant, Blocks 99.9% of UV, Indirect Ventilation Reduces Fogging, Accommodates Some Personal Eyewear (91264H1-DC)
Deal History
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Sale Price does not include sale prices at Amazon unless a deal was posted by a community member.
Current Prices
Sort: Lowest to Highest | Last Updated 1/10/2025, 09:08 PM
Just adding another unconventional use for these. Cutting onions.
My wife has a big reaction to cutting onions. She got a similar kind of safety goggles and she doesn't have any reaction at all while wearing them even though they have tiny holes for ventilation. The prices for the goggles marketed specifically for cutting onions are ridiculously inflated. Safety goggles like these work just fine.
Last edited by BillyIn4C January 10, 2025 at 01:27 PM.
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Sure if you tint it with automotive film
Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank chris58950
No... it's going easily fog up and you're going to get blinded by the sun or glare from the snow.
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My wife has a big reaction to cutting onions. She got a similar kind of safety goggles and she doesn't have any reaction at all while wearing them even though they have tiny holes for ventilation. The prices for the goggles marketed specifically for cutting onions are ridiculously inflated. Safety goggles like these work just fine.
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