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Greenworks Tools Discounts, Deals and Coupon Codes

Update - Greenworks Loyalty Rewards Program - Can redeem any amount of points (was "Free 2,350 points. Redeem for $25 coupon at 2500 points")

3,688 10,528 January 21, 2025 at 06:21 AM in Other (2) Get Greenworks Tools coupons

Thread Details

Last Edited by Cobalt_Blue_FF January 21, 2025 at 09:47 AM
+5 Deal Score
I had posted this deal a while ago , but thought I would post a nice little update that I found.

Apparently you can now use your rewards directly at checkout, and do not need to wait until you reach 2500. To test it out, add any item to your cart, and then there will be a box at checkout that says "Redeem your points for a discount". I was able to redeem as little as 100 points ($1 in value).

Anyway, I thought I would share in case you have a bunch of points and had not previously hit the threshold. See the prior link for details on how to get free points.


Update: Note, when you "redeem" at checkout, it will convert your points to a code. I did not realize that, and am trying to see if they can revert it back so that I can redeem for the full value.

Update #2 - I came back to my cart after a few hours, and saw that the points I had redeemed for a checkout giftcard were converted back to points. So it looks like they temporarily redeem them for a code and then if you do not use it, it converts back to points
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> bubble2 10,862 Posts
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01-21-2025 at 06:49 AM.
01-21-2025 at 06:49 AM.
Do they offer any good deals on their site though? Never heard of this loyalty program. Looks like a good savings over some time.Thanks for posting! Reps.
FS for over $100 is a high bar.
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01-21-2025 at 06:52 AM.
01-21-2025 at 06:52 AM.
Quote from c2nah777 :
Do they offer any good deals on their site though? Never heard of this loyalty program. Looks like a good savings over some time.Thanks for posting! Reps.
Yea, their prices can be competitive, and they run periodic sales too. I guess it depends on what you are looking for. The only gotcha is that you only get free shipping at $100. Just make sure you search around for prices, but they do seem to have competitive pricing.
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This is the real reason. It helps fund this site. No matter how you feel about that, this site doesn't exist without it.
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Joined Jul 2008
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> bubble2 10,862 Posts
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01-21-2025 at 07:02 AM.
01-21-2025 at 07:02 AM.
Quote from Cobalt_Blue_FF :
Yea, their prices can be competitive, and they run periodic sales too. I guess it depends on what you are looking for. The only gotcha is that you only get free shipping at $100. Just make sure you search around for prices, but they do seem to have competitive pricing.
I only wish I wold have noticed your earlier post/thread! Thank you. Starting fresh, so let the snowballing of points begin.
Joined Jun 2010
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> bubble2 1,483 Posts
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01-21-2025 at 07:53 AM.
01-21-2025 at 07:53 AM.
Quote from Cobalt_Blue_FF :
I had posted this deal a while ago , but thought I would post a nice little update that I found.

Apparently you can now use your rewards directly at checkout, and do not need to wait until you reach 2500. To test it out, add any item to your cart, and then there will be a box at checkout that says "Redeem your points for a discount". I was able to redeem as little as 100 points ($1 in value).

Anyway, I thought I would share in case you have a bunch of points and had not previously hit the threshold. See the prior link for details on how to get free points.


Update: Note, when you "redeem" at checkout, it will convert your points to a code. I did not realize that, and am trying to see if they can revert it back so that I can redeem for the full value.
Tried to follow the link, but the Slickdeals referral is being labeled as a phishing attempt by 2 different browsers.
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01-21-2025 at 08:04 AM.
01-21-2025 at 08:04 AM.
Quote from hansmoleman007 :
Tried to follow the link, but the Slickdeals referral is being labeled as a phishing attempt by 2 different browsers.
try this: Also, you can copy the link and remove the stuff after the "?" character.

Joined Jun 2010
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> bubble2 1,483 Posts
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01-21-2025 at 08:47 AM.
01-21-2025 at 08:47 AM.
Quote from Cobalt_Blue_FF :
try this: Also, you can copy the link and remove the stuff after the "?" character.

Thank you!
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