frontpage Posted by karmit • Last Sunday
Mar 2, 2025 3:37 PM
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frontpage Posted by karmit • Last Sunday
Mar 2, 2025 3:37 PM
Quicken Classic Deluxe 1-Year Subscription (Windows/Mac Key Card)
& More + Free Shipping$37
47% offNewegg
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The business version automatically tracks certain categories as business expenses, lets you set up business accounts, track customer purchase orders and payments, generate vendors invoices, etc. Yes, you can do it in the deluxe version by creating separate accounts, custom spending categories and reports, etc. But for me it's worth paying $17 extra/yr and get it out of the box.
I have followed the same routine for a number of years:
Wait for the Newegg sale then buy Quicken---throw the envelope in the corner--when Quicken starts bugging me to renew I pull out the new code.
This time, for some reason, I opened the envelope when it arrived. Although I had bought Quicken Premium, Newegg shipped Deluxe. It took a solid month to navigate the Newegg process of returning the incorrect version and getting the correct one. I could not find an easy way to communicate with a human at Newegg, only a formulaic return process on their website. Any email I sent to them was rejected. YMMV
Customer payment are just income and need nothing special but an account to deposit to and an income category assigned to them.
When I downgraded from Business the same categories are in use and I had modified and changed many of the prebuilt ones anyway and I did not miss a thing. I never used the invoicing feature anyway.
Business spending categories are the same they are just categories an that you asigen to tax line. Report pulling from categories is and so is Schedule C report in Deluxe.
It is fine if you do not want to but it saved me some dollars and I find them important. The only real extra is the invoicing and I just found no use for it, free tools can do the same. Setting up the business categories and reports is maybe maybe thirty minutes to an hour of work and I'll take the $17 for the hour versus giving it to a corporation that is doing quite well.
Why would you not Google that before reviewing Quicken like it did something wrong? If you use Quicken you may run into this kind of stuff once and while. With that being said I have managed to keep 20 plus years of data in good order fairly easily wit a hiccup on occasion but never anything catastrophic. If something does not download this week it can be downloaded when they get it back up and running []
I have had similar intermittent problems with various financial institutions over the years but they get worked out when Quicken catches up. Do keep in mind that some financial institutions are kind of greedy and will make you pay for the ability to download or may not even have a system that makes downloading available through Quicken. I try to make sure they do before I would sign up with them.
It is horribly rated financial institution and be careful if you stay with them. See below and I would strongly advise to run the other way as quickly as possible. It may be the worst rated bank I have ever took a glance at and seen and the horror stories are real horrors. []
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Also wanted to clarify the website has instructions on how to reinstall the software in a manner that ONLY updates to the version you used prior to subscription ending. I just now moved the MAIN install file and the PATCH I used to update to the version I am eligible to use to my Software "backups" I keep if needed again.
I buy a new packaged or online code like this once a year and enter the code to extend the licence for another year. I do not go to their website ever or have any kind of monthly or yearly billing. I just use the desktop software.
When Quicken intaily announced switching to a subscription model they faced some backlash for users and decided to go kind of a quasi subscription.That may change as we do see they have recently taken away some leniency with using the new user subscription keys to extend the licenses and I guess time will tell.
I believe most of the American public anymore consider the phone, browser or a website to be the "computer" and they look for ease based, web based solutions. Companies initially had push back from consumer switching to subscription models but that is going to away as the cellphone generation and general public's mind does not even have clarity on the issue. More is definitely coming down the road. Some people that buy Quicken think it is just the aggregator app they offer with the subscription. Others will tell you you should use some web based aggregator app like Mint like it is comparable to bookkeeping software.
I curse the companies for all this but also do the general public which I hold about 50% responsible.
Do you know people pay subscriptions to have their trash bins cleaned? People pay for subscription based dinners, groceries and mental health care. There are subscription that will dress you up and just send clothes of their choosing. We live in insane times.
Others sign up with home service companies and or for extended warranties and pay recurring monthly or yearly fees. Many subscribe to services offering inspection services that customers dream means someone will be taking care of maintenance for them but it is in truth just an opportunity to get a tech(read trained as commission based salesman) in the door and they will always find something needed that the warranty coverage does not cover. I suspect thousands and possibly millions of whole new heating and AC system and/or appliances that could be easily and cheaply repaired are being trashed and new being sold by such subscriptions.
I basically have to subscribe to my oil company to get a tank of oil as they will not sell it to your unless you sign up for auto fills.
People want someone else to manage their lives and they are willing to pay for it and have allied with the big corporations and they both are dragging me along into that hellish future.
Intuit (owner of TurboTax) has no relationship to Quicken and does not make Quicken offers.
Some "3rd" parties have made TurboTax/Quicken offers that you must take up with the 3rd party that made the offer.
**Disclaimer: This post is for discussion purposes only and is NOT tax advice. The author takes no responsibility for the accuracy of any information in this post.**
June 23, 2019 8:00 PM
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Also wanted to clarify the website has instructions on how to reinstall the software in a manner that ONLY updates to the version you used prior to subscription ending. I just now moved the MAIN install file and the PATCH I used to update to the version I am eligible to use to my Software "backups" I keep if needed again.
You are somewhere outside the software. I have never been on Quickens website to renew and advise you do the same. The deal is for the installed version not how to do stuff on Quickens website. Many can help with Quicken the software but not about how to do stuff on a website that may change how they do things day to day. Stay away from the website is my advice as they are just a means to sell you and will never offer a deal like you can get here.
BTW the more people that do everything on the web will have Quicken more likely to switch completely to a true and complete subscription model.
You are right about if you let your subscription expire you can run the version you had been using but will get no updates and no ability to download. I believe they will take up some screen real estate trying to get you to reactivate also. You did right by downloading your version and keeping it.