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forum thread Posted by dubba-low | Staff • 6h ago
forum thread Posted by dubba-low | Staff • 6h ago

Pine: Standard Edition $1.24 or Deluxe Edition $2.01 (PC Digital Download)



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Steam [] has Pine (PC Digital Download) for $1.24.

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Steam [] has Pine (PC Digital Download) for $1.24.

Available Deals:Note: Steam account/application required to redeem code/play game (free to join []).

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5h ago
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5h ago
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copy / paste of my Steam review::

"Cool game, awesome concept, great to look at, music outstanding, runs well on Steam Deck....but feels like a really well done alpha. Don't get me wrong, I think a lot of love was put into it. And I really wanted to like it but takes too much work from pretty much every angle to play. Reminds me of my feelings towards Elex (another but completely different open world RPG with the same overall issue).

-Combat (while a little janky) is still engaging. Witcher 3-ish: dodge, roll, block, attack, stamina. Timings and player behavior are a little strange but you get used to it.
-Crafting....way too much stuff to craft and needlessly. Also many crafting basics require crafting themselves from other stuff. For example you need A+A to make B then B+B to make C. Why not just some of B create C? "A" doesn't need to exist. Functionally 1 item is taking up 3 slots in your already very limited inventory space. Also, all the items have strange names (and look similar) so remembering what you need is very hard to keep track of because you are constantly having to dump items to make room for new ones. And no, there isn't a system to flag needed materials. Base materials are not very easy to find either.
-Trade mechanic: not money based but barter. Every transaction is a trade. Great if you have lots of junk but hard if you don't because you effectively have no money. Kinda realistic though because such a world would not likely have currency.
-I love games with maps, markers, and waypoints but many of the waypoints and mission details give you zero clue what you need to do / look for / do.
-Tribe like / dislike system: neat in concept but doesn't work. You can't do many missions unless you make a tribe like you which takes away from the entire concept of picking a side.
-Some missions just appear broken. I gave up after 4 hours because the 'pick a vault' mission will not work no matter which village I go to (and yes, I have the 'brew').
-Interface, clunky but not really an issue.

I really wanted to like this game, wish this issues would get patched to correct"

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