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Amplified indoor antenna 60 mile range $10.99 ( open box) YMMV at Best Buy



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Best Buy has the Insignia branded indoor amplified HDTV antenna , (open box excellent) for $10.99

Free shipping for My Best Buy members( free to join) , other wise free shipping at $35.00

I own a couple of these and they work well
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Best Buy has the Insignia branded indoor amplified HDTV antenna , (open box excellent) for $10.99

Free shipping for My Best Buy members( free to join) , other wise free shipping at $35.00

I own a couple of these and they work well

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Model: Insignia™ - Amplified Ultra-Thin Indoor HDTV Antenna - Black

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Sort: Lowest to Highest | Last Updated 3/17/2025, 12:04 AM
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Best Buy$34.99
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3,473 Posts
Joined Jan 2010
3,473 Posts
Bought one a few days ago. Excellent condition was basically new in box. Set it up yesterday and it is working well. Only had a bit of issue because we had super high winds and the trees right behind me were blowing. Moved it to the outside wall and it was perfect. Now I just need to take the time to put it in a more out of the way spot (still pointing the direction and need with the least amount of obstructions) and wire it to that spot.
Last edited by twistrman March 16, 2025 at 02:02 PM.
9,119 Posts
Joined Aug 2018
9,119 Posts
Quote from twistrman :
Bought one a few days ago. Excellent was basically new in box. Set it up yesterday and it is working well. Now I just need to take the time to put it in a more out of the way spot (still pointing the direction and need with the least amount of instructions) and wire it to that spot.
yes, who needs that way over priced cable tv!
3,473 Posts
Joined Jan 2010
3,473 Posts
Quote from TodayOnly :
yes, who needs that way over priced cable tv!

Switched to fiber the moment it was installed on my street and dropped Xfinity. Loved the convo with them. What can they do to keep me. What can they do to lower my bill. Let's look for promos you can have. That ship has sailed. It's a done deal. I replaced you. You were an abusive partner for years.

I wasn't even getting good cable. I was getting lower speed broadband and only local channels. With fiber my bill cut almost in half, my download speed doubled, my upload speed went up 30x, and this $10 antennae is getting my more local channels.

F off Xfinity.
9,119 Posts
Joined Aug 2018
9,119 Posts
Quote from twistrman :
Switched to fiber the moment it was installed on my street and dropped Xfinity. Loved the convo with them. What can they do to keep me. What can they do to lower my bill. Let's look for promos you can have. That ship has sailed. It's a done deal. I replaced you. You were an abusive partner for years.

I wasn't even getting good cable. I was getting lower speed broadband and only local channels. With fiber my bill cut almost in half, my download speed doubled, my upload speed went up 30x, and this $10 antennae is getting my more local channels.

F off Xfinity.
you tell em! _SNAP_
1,311 Posts
Joined Aug 2010
1,311 Posts

You want the flat face of this antenna to face the most stations or the station you care most about.

The iPhone has a built-in compass app, not sure about Android.
296 Posts
Joined Aug 2011
296 Posts
hmmmm, no free shipping for me....
2,302 Posts
Joined Sep 2009
2,302 Posts
Deal is dead, unless you want one in fair condition for $9. Pass.

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13,823 Posts
Joined Dec 2015
13,823 Posts
Quote from twistrman :
Bought one a few days ago. Excellent condition was basically new in box. Set it up yesterday and it is working well. Only had a bit of issue because we had super high winds and the trees right behind me were blowing. Moved it to the outside wall and it was perfect. Now I just need to take the time to put it in a more out of the way spot (still pointing the direction and need with the least amount of obstructions) and wire it to that spot.

Anything you dislike about this? Curious to hear your experience
1h ago
5,424 Posts
Joined Apr 2009
1h ago
1h ago
5,424 Posts
Con-cast has been dead to me for a decade. You know the company, they con you with some offer and "blast" you with with taxes and equipment fees.

A antenna is the way to knock off $30-$40 if you go with a subscription like sling or any of the others. I have been using Airtv, HDhomerun and amerzons recast. All are 1 time equipment charge and then that "local tv" fee is gone from your life. Yea there is a learning curve in manipulating all those services, but you are no longer involved in the racketeering concast has done for years.

I have tried several antenna's over the years. I have found cheap antenna systems are cheap for a reason. A amplified cheap antennal can be even worse. If you have a good enough signal, you wont need a amp. What a good amp would have is a 5G filter built in. That is a huge thing these days.

I followed a guy "tyler the antenna man" on yourtube. I found one of his favorite antenna makers at the menardo store. I got the cheapest televes indoor/outdoor antenna ($100). I had my doubts that such a small antenna would work where others failed. It did not fail.

It gets hard to get a good signal on atsc1. There is a new Atsc3 that is said to make the signal less of a issue but future comes with a cost. It will "require" internet connection to get decrypt keys from the broadcaster via the internet. Do you see where this is going? They want to end atsc1 by 2028. That would mean all tv sets that currently work be useless. The Hdhomerun, Airtv, tablow, and recast will be useless in 2028 if you dont have internet and that might not be enough. You will still need internet, so comcrap wins again.

Folks need to be filing complaints to the FCC now because local free tv as we know it is going away and no antenna will help you with out internet so what is the use?. Broadcasters do not need to encrypt, but are not interested in providing tv free, encryption is what they want.. They want to use the frequency's for other projects and it is all under the radar to the average guy who wont know until it has already happened

Call congress if you want local free tv . If you don't care now, then don't complain later.

As far as this deal goes? Arg.. You really need to understand the frequencies needed in your area before you know if a antenna will work for you. If you did your homework at antenna web dot com, or antennal fools, you can decide if it will work for you. I would guess a $10 antenna will work for sure if you can see the towers from the antenna location. If you have aluminum siding or stucco siding, you will need a outdoor antenna.
Last edited by DoobieBrother March 16, 2025 at 06:16 PM.

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