31:47 Recapping the controversy, LTT is done with Anker
Pretty much trying to stop company (Anker) doing this kind of bad behavior.
Anker Tries To Bullshit The Verge About Security Problems In Its Eufy 'Smart' Camera.
Anker, the popular maker of device chargers and the Eufy smart camera line, proudly proclaims on its website that user data will be stored locally, "never leaves the safety of your home," footage only gets transmitted with "end-to-end" military-grade encryption, and that the company will only send that footage "straight to your phone."
Security researcher Paul Moore and a hacker named Wasabi have discovered that few if any of those claims are true, and that it's possible to stream video from a Eufy camera, from across the country, with no encryption at all simply by connecting to a unique address at Eufy's cloud servers using the free VLC Media Player.
Both clearly demonstrated the problem on Twitter, but, when contacted by The Verge, Anker tried to claim that what the security researchers had clearly, repeatedly demonstrated wasn't possible:
When we asked Anker point-blank to confirm or deny that, the company categorically denied it. "I can confirm that it is not possible to start a stream and watch live footage using a third-party player such as VLC," Brett White, a senior PR manager at Anker, told me via email.
Except it's not only possible, it's been repeatedly proven (though there's no evidence yet of this having been exploited in the wild and it only works on cameras that are in an awakened state). Users really only need a camera's serial number, which they can obtain from the box or sometimes guess. An attacker could also exploit and access cameras he donated to Good Will or other thrift stores.
Moore claims Anker's problems go deeper, claiming that Eufy had violated numerous additional security promises, including uploading camera thumbnail images, including captured users' faces to the cloud without permission and failing to delete stored, private consumer data.
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31:47 Recapping the controversy, LTT is done with Anker
Pretty much trying to stop company (Anker) doing this kind of bad behavior by hitting their bottom line.
eufy is a separate division than anker's charging products
simply stop buying eufy.
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eufy is a separate division than anker's charging products
simply stop buying eufy.
31:47 Recapping the controversy, LTT is done with Anker
Pretty much trying to stop company (Anker) doing this kind of bad behavior by hitting their bottom line.
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