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I would generally agree with this with the stores around here IF you have them cooked at the store. They undercook them, so they are doughy in my opinion. If you take them home and cook them directly on the oven rack at 425-450, until brown, then I don't think they're half bad.
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Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank WittyFuel920
from dep411
The 7-11 pizza is absolutely terrible, just trying to save anyone thinking about getting it.
I would generally agree with this with the stores around here IF you have them cooked at the store. They undercook them, so they are doughy in my opinion. If you take them home and cook them directly on the oven rack at 425-450, until brown, then I don't think they're half bad.
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Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank dep411
Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank WittyFuel920
Worked on my Alcohol purchase. Seems its for any item in store stock.
pizzas are $6 would be $2...
rest seems junk?
does this have to be an in-app order or can you somehow buy instore and show code?
Guess you could stock up on Monster Energy Drinks.
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7/11 sushi on a stripper, 2024 nye celebration
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