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Elite Dangerous: Odyssey (PC Digital Download) $7.79



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GameBillet [] has Elite Dangerous: Odyssey (PC Digital Game Download) on sale for $7.79.

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GameBillet [] has Elite Dangerous: Odyssey (PC Digital Game Download) on sale for $7.79.

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Last Tuesday
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Joined Jan 2023
Last Tuesday
Last Tuesday
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This is a game if you think MSFS is a game, only check it out if you want more of a slower sim type experience and are not looking for a "space game"! Plenty of people love MSFS but they are a different crowd than people playing video games like Fortnight! The same is true here if want a slow moving space sim that is a serious time sink this may be for you! If your looking for a game just avoid it!
Last Tuesday
375 Posts
Joined Oct 2017
Last Tuesday
Last Tuesday
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Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank FS_Slacker

Quote from VaultTec :
This is a game if you think MSFS is a game, only check it out if you want more of a slower sim type experience and are not looking for a "space game"! Plenty of people love MSFS but they are a different crowd than people playing video games like Fortnight! The same is true here if want a slow moving space sim that is a serious time sink this may be for you! If your looking for a game just avoid it!
The point of the Odyssey expansion was to add in on-foot outside the ship activities. Yeah it's a time sink - but to compare it to MSFS isn't accurate. There's space combat, on-foot combat and on-foot missions that make it more than a "slower sim type experience". Definitely not for someone who wants to pick a game up and finish in a weekend...there is a fairly steep learning curve to nearly all the activities, but games of this sort reward you for slowly mastering your craft.
Last Tuesday
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Joined Jan 2023
Last Tuesday
Last Tuesday
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Quote from FS_Slacker :
The point of the Odyssey expansion was to add in on-foot outside the ship activities. Yeah it's a time sink - but to compare it to MSFS isn't accurate. There's space combat, on-foot combat and on-foot missions that make it more than a "slower sim type experience". Definitely not for someone who wants to pick a game up and finish in a weekend...there is a fairly steep learning curve to nearly all the activities, but games of this sort reward you for slowly mastering your craft.
Your entitled to your opinion even if it is wrong!
The game was Released as a complete game but the available content makes it play and feel more like an Alpha.Not an alpha in the sense that it is buggy, the bugs have been worked out and what is there is good quality and playable just lacking in content. You can choose several ways to grind out your fortune. You can be a bounty hunter, an explorer or a trader. All are grindy which is an aspect to all games but you grind to get a bigger ship then grind more to get an even bigger ship. What can you do with the biggest and best ship out there once you get it? You can grind to put the best parts and outfit your ship. There is no endgame, nothing to do once you get the better ships but more grinding. There is no ultimate goal to achieve or epic battle to be fought. Zero endgame unless you count getting a title next to your name of Elite as a worthwhile endgame achievement worth all that grinding. The game just feels like it is missing a reason to play.
The best part is instead of game updates to get the game where it needs to be the developer is releasing "expansions" PAID expansions so you get to pay extra to get the game from it's current Alpha state to a good playable version. This might be ok if the initial purchase price of the game wasn't in line with AAA game title prices. The price for the expansions are also $60 which in line with a AAA game initial purchase price per expansion. To top it all off if you buy it now you get to buy it again when the "expansion" is released as the expansion will cost $60 and include the core game. If you buy the core game you still get to pay $45 for the expansion so you get to pay twice.
This game has great potential and I think it will be a great game in the future, maybe after 6 more $60 paid expansions it will realize it's potential and be a great game to play. If that sounds good to you then order now if not there are plenty of other space sims out there that currently offer more bang for your buck.

I know I am showing a lot of hours played and some of it is the case but keep in mind if you just close the game window and leave the background screen up Steam continues to count that as "in game time" in addition the hours and hours I have spent in game have consisted of 99% of going to one space station and buying goods to sell at another space station that looks exactly like the first rinse and repeat. I have done some battles as a bounty hunter and fought in conflict zones but both pay very little in credits (the in game currency) and the battles arent very exciting either. Shoot for a while , use a shield cell booster , shoot some more the enemy is dead rinse and repeat until you run out of shield booster then return to the space station to get more shield cells and return to battle.

There is no MMO aspect to the game. Players all (as in everyone) play on solo mode and the maximum number of players in an instance is 32 anyways so it will never have the MMO player interaction or social aspect to it. The number of players you can see or interact with will always be limited because Frontier chose the cheap way out and all player interaction is via a peer to peer internet connection.
I play with friends and there is very very little we can do together due to the way the game mechanics don't allow you to share profits or credit for actions. My friend can escort my cargo ship and he can get 5% of my trade profit. I can't opt to give him more or less it is always a straight 5%. Not even enough to make it worthwhile to be an escort. Players can team up and bounty hunt together and share profits and that is about it. (Just make sure you are bounty hunting NPC's see below comments for the explaination on that)
There is very little reason to group up or to do anything other than solo with the current gameplay model. To be more specific there is no in game content that is very challenging when playing solo so there is no reason or benefit to teaming up and therefore few people do it. There are no guilds, There is no matchmaking. There is not even a system in place to find out who is online unless someone is already on your friends list. The chance of you randomly encountering someone in game is not very high because everyone plays solo so finding another player to team up with is near impossible unless you buy the game with friends.
The good, The graphics are nice and overall the game does provide a very good immersive experience. When I play it I do feel like I am just some average joe trying to make a living in a vast uncarring universe. The immersive experience brings me back to the game but it always feels like it is missing whatever it is that makes an ok game a great game.

I feel like the developers wanted to bring back the game for the old fanbase. Literally the space stations are shaped the same, the same ships, the same trade mechanic, the same missions ETC. of course with better graphics but graphics don't=gameplay. Unfortunatally what was considered exciting or a super game in 1984 doesn't cut it in 2015. It needs more content and more( READ ANY) endgame! Something to do with my epic fleet of ships besides be able to look at them in the hangar or tell people on the Elite Dangerous forums how cool my Anaconda is. That is about all the end game content there is at the moment, and all there is to do besides grind away to upgrade your current ship or to by the next ship. I see a lot of reviewers quoting the phrase the game is a mile wide and an inch deep and that is exactly how it feels. It has potential but Frontier already got my money based on the games potential and now they want more money to pre order an update that has "potential" they are really selling the potential of this game into the ground.

This game has more holes than swiss cheese

You want to be a pirate or bounty hunter and you pirate or bounty hunt other players, all they have to do is "report " you ( it doesn't have to be anything legit just the report is enough) and if you get a few reports you will be "shadow banned" what this means is when you click to join the open world the game makes you think you join the open multiplayer world but you really don't you just open your very own solo world. The game doesn't tell you it is doing this so you just think wow the world is emptier than usual.

They don't feel like reporting you since the game is all peer to peer networking all they have to do is block your IP and they will never see you again

Forget to ip ban or report someone no problem there either, if they are winning the fight just combat log as again since it is peer to peer networking as soon as you log your ship disappears and the fight stops. Since your going to be badly damaged when you log back in you might be concerned but again this is no problem because you simply log into solo mode and get your ship back to a station for repairs without any threat.

You want to effect a power in game so you get your buddies together to blockade a system, no problem everyone just goes into a private game or solo game and runs their cargo, it is as if your blockade doesn't even exist because they moved to another game instance. They can also just IP block the people doing the blockade to the same effect like magic the blockade disappears.
Last Tuesday
375 Posts
Joined Oct 2017
Last Tuesday
Last Tuesday
375 Posts
Quote from VaultTec :
Your entitled to your opinion even if it is wrong!
That was quite the catharsis there. For should definitely not play this game any more. Simple answer...don't do stuff you don't enjoy.

For others, $8 is certainly a low entry barrier to a space sim with some extra on-foot elements to it. They just added colonization and the ability to build stations in your own system (free update). Again, for anyone who's never picked up this game...there is a massive learning curve, but some people will enjoy that process. And it's one of the better VR titles as well (although on-foot stuff is 2D projected if you're in VR). But personally I enjoy the exploration aspect and being a repairman who restores power to settlements. That's the end of my shilling for the game.
Last Tuesday
1,166 Posts
Joined Jan 2023
Last Tuesday
Last Tuesday
1,166 Posts
Quote from FS_Slacker :
That was quite the catharsis there. For should definitely not play this game any more. Simple answer...don't do stuff you don't enjoy.

For others, $8 is certainly a low entry barrier to a space sim with some extra on-foot elements to it. They just added colonization and the ability to build stations in your own system (free update). Again, for anyone who's never picked up this game...there is a massive learning curve, but some people will enjoy that process. And it's one of the better VR titles as well (although on-foot stuff is 2D projected if you're in VR). But personally I enjoy the exploration aspect and being a repairman who restores power to settlements. That's the end of my shilling for the game.
na I posted that review on another site so I just pasted it over here. only took a second to do so Stick Out Tongue As far as I am concerned Frontier is just another out of touch developer that has no idea how to make a decent video game, they constantly make bad gameplay decisions and they just don't stop doing it!
Last Wednesday
21 Posts
Joined Nov 2019
Last Wednesday
Last Wednesday
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Our community has rated this post as helpful. If you agree, why not thank gyraxis

Disregarding how others feel of the actual contents, please note Odyssey is just DLC. So you will need the base game to play Odyssey as well. ~$5 on GMG as well for the base game.
6d ago
2,132 Posts
Joined Oct 2004
6d ago
6d ago
2,132 Posts
Think I have over 1000 games that I've collected on various platforms that have been given out for free......... and never played (Including Elite Dangerous- never played that either, just sitting in the account) so certainly not gonna spend a dime on an expansion

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4d ago
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Joined May 2006
4d ago
4d ago
1,566 Posts
I've been wanting to check out the reboot for a while now, but could never get myself to buy it retail. After reading your review, it reminded me of why I didn't like the original on my Franklin Ace 500! Reading the box back then the game sounded awesome, After a few days i moved on to something else. I totally forgot that i didn't find the game fun. I was just as you described back then minus the "multiplayer". Its unfortunate that they didn't do more with the reboot.

Quote from VaultTec :
Your entitled to your opinion even if it is wrong!
The game was Released as a complete game but the available content makes it play and feel more like an Alpha.Not an alpha in the sense that it is buggy, the bugs have been worked out and what is there is good quality and playable just lacking in content. You can choose several ways to grind out your fortune. You can be a bounty hunter, an explorer or a trader. All are grindy which is an aspect to all games but you grind to get a bigger ship then grind more to get an even bigger ship. What can you do with the biggest and best ship out there once you get it? You can grind to put the best parts and outfit your ship. There is no endgame, nothing to do once you get the better ships but more grinding. There is no ultimate goal to achieve or epic battle to be fought. Zero endgame unless you count getting a title next to your name of Elite as a worthwhile endgame achievement worth all that grinding. The game just feels like it is missing a reason to play.
The best part is instead of game updates to get the game where it needs to be the developer is releasing "expansions" PAID expansions so you get to pay extra to get the game from it's current Alpha state to a good playable version. This might be ok if the initial purchase price of the game wasn't in line with AAA game title prices. The price for the expansions are also $60 which in line with a AAA game initial purchase price per expansion. To top it all off if you buy it now you get to buy it again when the "expansion" is released as the expansion will cost $60 and include the core game. If you buy the core game you still get to pay $45 for the expansion so you get to pay twice.
This game has great potential and I think it will be a great game in the future, maybe after 6 more $60 paid expansions it will realize it's potential and be a great game to play. If that sounds good to you then order now if not there are plenty of other space sims out there that currently offer more bang for your buck.

I know I am showing a lot of hours played and some of it is the case but keep in mind if you just close the game window and leave the background screen up Steam continues to count that as "in game time" in addition the hours and hours I have spent in game have consisted of 99% of going to one space station and buying goods to sell at another space station that looks exactly like the first rinse and repeat. I have done some battles as a bounty hunter and fought in conflict zones but both pay very little in credits (the in game currency) and the battles arent very exciting either. Shoot for a while , use a shield cell booster , shoot some more the enemy is dead rinse and repeat until you run out of shield booster then return to the space station to get more shield cells and return to battle.

There is no MMO aspect to the game. Players all (as in everyone) play on solo mode and the maximum number of players in an instance is 32 anyways so it will never have the MMO player interaction or social aspect to it. The number of players you can see or interact with will always be limited because Frontier chose the cheap way out and all player interaction is via a peer to peer internet connection.
I play with friends and there is very very little we can do together due to the way the game mechanics don't allow you to share profits or credit for actions. My friend can escort my cargo ship and he can get 5% of my trade profit. I can't opt to give him more or less it is always a straight 5%. Not even enough to make it worthwhile to be an escort. Players can team up and bounty hunt together and share profits and that is about it. (Just make sure you are bounty hunting NPC's see below comments for the explaination on that)
There is very little reason to group up or to do anything other than solo with the current gameplay model. To be more specific there is no in game content that is very challenging when playing solo so there is no reason or benefit to teaming up and therefore few people do it. There are no guilds, There is no matchmaking. There is not even a system in place to find out who is online unless someone is already on your friends list. The chance of you randomly encountering someone in game is not very high because everyone plays solo so finding another player to team up with is near impossible unless you buy the game with friends.
The good, The graphics are nice and overall the game does provide a very good immersive experience. When I play it I do feel like I am just some average joe trying to make a living in a vast uncarring universe. The immersive experience brings me back to the game but it always feels like it is missing whatever it is that makes an ok game a great game.

I feel like the developers wanted to bring back the game for the old fanbase. Literally the space stations are shaped the same, the same ships, the same trade mechanic, the same missions ETC. of course with better graphics but graphics don't=gameplay. Unfortunatally what was considered exciting or a super game in 1984 doesn't cut it in 2015. It needs more content and more( READ ANY) endgame! Something to do with my epic fleet of ships besides be able to look at them in the hangar or tell people on the Elite Dangerous forums how cool my Anaconda is. That is about all the end game content there is at the moment, and all there is to do besides grind away to upgrade your current ship or to by the next ship. I see a lot of reviewers quoting the phrase the game is a mile wide and an inch deep and that is exactly how it feels. It has potential but Frontier already got my money based on the games potential and now they want more money to pre order an update that has "potential" they are really selling the potential of this game into the ground.

This game has more holes than swiss cheese

You want to be a pirate or bounty hunter and you pirate or bounty hunt other players, all they have to do is "report " you ( it doesn't have to be anything legit just the report is enough) and if you get a few reports you will be "shadow banned" what this means is when you click to join the open world the game makes you think you join the open multiplayer world but you really don't you just open your very own solo world. The game doesn't tell you it is doing this so you just think wow the world is emptier than usual.

They don't feel like reporting you since the game is all peer to peer networking all they have to do is block your IP and they will never see you again

Forget to ip ban or report someone no problem there either, if they are winning the fight just combat log as again since it is peer to peer networking as soon as you log your ship disappears and the fight stops. Since your going to be badly damaged when you log back in you might be concerned but again this is no problem because you simply log into solo mode and get your ship back to a station for repairs without any threat.

You want to effect a power in game so you get your buddies together to blockade a system, no problem everyone just goes into a private game or solo game and runs their cargo, it is as if your blockade doesn't even exist because they moved to another game instance. They can also just IP block the people doing the blockade to the same effect like magic the blockade disappears.
3h ago
363 Posts
Joined Jul 2016
3h ago
3h ago
363 Posts
Quote from VaultTec :
This is a game if you think MSFS is a game, only check it out if you want more of a slower sim type experience and are not looking for a "space game"! Plenty of people love MSFS but they are a different crowd than people playing video games like Fortnight! The same is true here if want a slow moving space sim that is a serious time sink this may be for you! If your looking for a game just avoid it!
I picked up the previous expansion or whatever it is, and couldn't even get past the training mission the instructions on how to dock your ship were so bad. I was hoping for something that was sort of like No Man's Sky, only a bit less "make your own adventure" and with some actual structure to it. Not something that takes like 100+ hours just to start getting interesting.
1h ago
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1h ago
1h ago
1,166 Posts
Quote from aerogems :
I picked up the previous expansion or whatever it is, and couldn't even get past the training mission the instructions on how to dock your ship were so bad. I was hoping for something that was sort of like No Man's Sky, only a bit less "make your own adventure" and with some actual structure to it. Not something that takes like 100+ hours just to start getting interesting.
The thing is you would think it gets interesting but really you grind to get a bigger ship then you grind to get the next ship which would be ok progression if there was something to actually do with the larger ships, there just isn't they just cost more. There is no "end game" to reach and the critics will say you just make up your own game but I just call that wandering aimlessly myself because hwen you set your own goals you get your own "reward" for them and the driving factor in most games is you do the quest, run the dungeon to get the epic reward AKA the sword of awesomness or super armor or whatever and these rewards aren't there when you "make your own goals" so you goal is to reach x area in the universe as an explorer and once you get there your like oh oh i got here now I guess I just go back it just isn't rewarding IMO.

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