expired Posted by phoinix | Staff • Jan 27, 2023
Jan 27, 2023 6:34 PM
Item 1 of 6
Item 1 of 6
expired Posted by phoinix | Staff • Jan 27, 2023
Jan 27, 2023 6:34 PM
Forspoken - PlayStation 5 - $59.99 + F/S - Amazon
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i would pay 30 at most
i would pay 30 at most
Some recent SquareEnix games didn't do well because not getting enough marketing. But SE definitely put a lot of marketing behind this one.
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Some recent SquareEnix games didn't do well because not getting enough marketing. But SE definitely put a lot of marketing behind this one.
Its no longer a trusted brand IMO and I would be very cautious to preorder anything from SE..
Some recent SquareEnix games didn't do well because not getting enough marketing. But SE definitely put a lot of marketing behind this one.
Based on the online chatter, seems like the reviews are well deserved.
Some recent SquareEnix games didn't do well because not getting enough marketing. But SE definitely put a lot of marketing behind this one.
Its no longer a trusted brand IMO and I would be very cautious to preorder anything from SE..
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