frontpage Posted by iconian | Staff • 3d ago
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frontpage Posted by iconian | Staff • 3d ago
Bugera V22 INFINIUM 22W Vintage 2-Channel Reverb Tube Amplifier
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Power tube distortion, really only with the addition of an amp attenuator. That's a device that sits between the amp's speaker out and the actual speaker, and bleeds off power (usually in the form of heat using fans and heat sinks) so that overall volume is lower.
Bugera makes their "Power Soak" that will do this. But it's not a 'reactive' type device, so the tone will be changed slightly. Reactive attenuators cost much more.
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Power tube distortion, really only with the addition of an amp attenuator. That's a device that sits between the amp's speaker out and the actual speaker, and bleeds off power (usually in the form of heat using fans and heat sinks) so that overall volume is lower.
Bugera makes their "Power Soak" that will do this. But it's not a 'reactive' type device, so the tone will be changed slightly. Reactive attenuators cost much more.
The guy above is right that you can drive the preamp section into distortion and then turn down the power amp section, but on my tube amps playing the power amp section at very low volumes still messes with the tone when the volume is below about 1.5 out of 10. I'd look for an amp with a 1W mode if you want it quiet with high sound quality, or you could buy something like that attenuator that guy mentioned.
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This already has a master volume so the jhs black box is redundant
If you want to push the tubes to particular tone, the JHS Black Box will let still push the tubes to get the tone you want and then cut down on the overall volume. Setting master lower will change the tone, depending on what you're going for.